• Graphenstone, ecological and healthy renovations
    Healthy Apartment

The healthiest apartment in Spain!

The healthiest apartment in Spain is a project of the real estate developer Privalore. In it, a large number of the 540 variables promoted by the Wellness Building Standard® are being applied. These are grouped into 7 categories: air, water, light, nutrition, fitness, comfort and mind. All of them work together so that, both a building, its structure and content, protect and extend the life of the families who occupy them, always in a sustainable way for the environment.

For this project, the range of Graphenstone’s toxin free products, with health promoting or ecological certificates, were used in conjunction with a waste free construction process. Shielding measures which eliminate the harmful electrical, electromagnetic and terrestrial radioactivity of the bedrooms have been used.

  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain
  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain
  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain
  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain
  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain
  • Graphenstone most healthy apartment in spain